Using Storytelling Techniques
Stories can play a huge part in the process of change. This checklist has been developed to help you communic…
Using Storytelling Techniques
Stories can play a huge part in the process of change. This checklist has been developed to help you communic…
Planning Your Social Impact
Social impact is typically expressed through outcomes your project or organization has on people’s lives. Th…
Defining Your Personal Mission
Feeling lost or stuck with what to do with your life? This worksheet will help you start thinking about your purp…
Developing a Fundraising Plan
Fundraising is more than just raising money – it’s about making sure your project has all the resources it needs….
Developing an Action Plan
You’re committed to making the world a better place, but how will you turn your vision into reality? This workshe…
Finding the Funding You Need
Finding funding to get started, cover costs, and sustain your efforts is one of the biggest challenges facing change….
Finding Others to Work With
Understanding the connections between what you do and the work of others is essential if you are to mak…
Identifying the problem
Really understanding the problem you want to address is key to creating impact, but it’s easy to get started…
Planning Your Social Impact
Social impact is typically expressed through outcomes your project or organization has on people’s lives. Th…
Understanding the Cause
To drive lasting change, it’s key to get to the root of the social or environmental problem you’re tackling….